Online shopMy Plansee
Online shopMy Plansee
Plant construction and toolmaking

Highest quality: components for electronic parts

When it comes to electronic components, the highest precision is required. From electrical resistances and coils, capacitors and transistors to integrated circuits: electronic components must be durable and ensure process stability and safety even despite the high physical and mechanical requirements. This is where our materials come into play: your components are reliably heat treated in our high-temperature furnaces. 

This is because wherever extreme temperatures reign supreme – such as in sintering and annealing – our materials come into play. They are not only heat-resistant, but also have low thermal coefficients of expansion and excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. The extremely low vapor pressure of our refractory metals molybdenum and tungsten also guarantees the highest process purity.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Found application

  • Highest product quality

  • Latest facilities for forming, processing, and coating

  • High process purity 

Learn more about our products for electronic components:

From powder to the final product

With decades of experience in the manufacturing of high-quality components for the electronics industry, you can count on us to be your reliable and sustainable partner. We only invest in Western mines to secure responsible and sustainable raw materials. Our production process starts with the reduction of metal powder and ends with products of the highest quality. Our materials scientists and engineers know the requirements for the electronics component sector very well and can adapt the properties of our components to meet your exact requirements: the strictest manufacturing tolerances and the highest precision are basic prerequisites here. We are also making continual investments in the latest, fully automatic systems to guarantee high production capacities and a reliable delivery capability.

    Mixing alloys
    Heat treatment
    Mech. processing
    Quality assurance
OxideMolymet (Chile) is the world's largest processor of molybdenum ore concentrates and our main supplier of molybdenum trioxide. The Plansee Group holds a 21.15% share in Molymet. Global Tungsten & Powders (USA) is a division of the Plansee Group and our main supplier of tungsten metal powder.

Take a look at our products in the Plansee online shop